Sunday, February 9, 2014

Day 40

I'm so encouraged to have made it 40 days, and the first 40 of 2014 have been awesome. God is up to something big peeps.. get ready get ready get ready.
Don't just end your prayer and fasting until next year. Press in. Keep fasting and praying as God leads you. Keep Him first all year long.  Keep the faith. Keep smiling. Keep preferring others. Keep love in your heart.  Expect GREAT things from God. He loves to bless you. You are the apple of His eye. You are a child of the most high King.  Amen? Hallelujah

For the Harvest,

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day 39

As soon as we take an interest in witnessing and evangelism,

 God is interested in us. We become people after His own heart. 

There’s more to God than making mountains and stars. 

His priority is people. He runs the whole universe with a 

saving objective. Our troubles... trouble Him and He calls us 

to share His concern. That is our Great Co-Mission.

(I love Reinhard Bonnke.) so true

From My House to Yours,


Friday, February 7, 2014

Day 38

Write the Vision
Take some time (with your spouse and children if you have them) to check your heart and talk about these 3 areas...

II. WRITE DOWN (3 Things)
1) What you desire to give into the Kingdom of God this year. 
2) What you owe—every debt, large or small. (Write down the principal, interest rate, payment, etc.) 
3) What you would like to have or do personally if price/cost was of no concern.

1) Hold the papers up before the Lord (with your spouse and children). 
2) Acknowledge the Lord as your total Source and Thank Him for caring for you in times past.
3) Ask Him to enable you to fulfill the vision you’ve written. 
4) Claim all the funds necessary (plus some extra) to give, pay off, and do what you have written. 
5) Command the devil to take his hands off these monies. Forbid him to hinder it coming to you. 
6) Charge the ministering spirits to go and work swiftly to cause the monies to come in. 
7) Thank the Father wholeheartedly for bringing these things to pass in your life, to His glory.

From My House to Yours,

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Day 37

Revelation 12:11 (NLT) "And they have defeated him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of their testimony. And they were not afraid to die"
The Bible says that in the end, the devil is defeated by the blood of Jesus and our testimony. Is that a wild thought? Our Testimony is obviously a powerful weapon! So since it is a weapon, we ought to be able to use it pretty well right?
Telling someone about what God has done in your life should be the most natural conversation in the world, but some of us would rather take a drivers test than try to talk about their faith with someone they don't know.
One day I sat in my office and chatted for more than 30 minutes with a friend who is on a new diet and has lost over 40 pounds. She was thrilled to share how she was doing it and I was thrilled to listen! LOL! We'll share our diets, we'll share our hobbies, our favorite TV shows, just about anything... but we stumble when it comes to sharing our testimony. Yikes!
There is a fantastic resource on the web that will help you to write out your testimony clearly and simply. It's and you can do it completely online and then print it out. Go check it out today!
Father God, please help me to be more comfortable in sharing my story of faith with other people. Make me brave and make me willing! Give me the right words at the right time. In Jesus' Name, Amen!
From My House to Yours,
from my morning devotional

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 36

"I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending..." Revelation 1:8a
You may be in a situation that looks hopeless, it may look like the end is near and it's time to give up, it may look like you've lost... well, it doesn't matter what it may look like, the final outcome will come when God says it's over. Man may count you out, the enemy may tell you you've lost, the chance for victory may look impossible, but it's not over until the Lord says it's over. Don't lean to your own understanding and think that just because it looks like it's over that it is... it may not be... it's not unless the Lord says it is. So, don't throw in the towel too soon, don't "pull the plug", don't surrender, don't give it up unless the Lord has said that it's over. Jarius thought it was over- his daughter was dead- but God hadn't said it was over. The man at the pool thought it was over because he couldn't make it into the water, but God didn't say it was over. Everyone thought it was over for Daniel when he was thrown into the lion's den, but God didn't say it was. Job's wife thought it was over and encouraged her husband to curse God and die, but the Lord didn't say it was over. Jesus hung on the cross until the Father said it was over, and when He did.... Jesus said it was finished- it's over.
Have a blessed day. Let the Lord determine when it's over.... not your situation, not your feelings, not the enemy or anything else.
From My House to Yours,
